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Our Favorite 9 Best Headlight Tint Sprays [With 1 to Avoid]
B. B. Lykert
B. B. Lykert
June 14, 2023
PreviewBrandMy RatingPrice
RustOleumRustOleum8.2/10Check Price Now
VansVans8.8/10Check Price Now
HK5HK56.8/10Check Price Now
HK5HK57.2/10Check Price Now
HK5HK58.4/10Check Price Now
HK5HK56.8/10Check Price Now
HK5HK58.0/10Check Price Now
VHTVHT8.8/10Check Price Now
RustOleumRustOleum4.6/10Check Price Now
VViViD Hex+ Air-Tint Light Headlight Vinyl (12" x 30" (2 Sheets))VViViD Hex+ Air-Tint Light Headlight Vinyl (12” x 30” (2 Sheets))1/10Check Price Now

RustOleum Headlight Tint Spray

RustOleum Headlight Tint Spray

Great results
Easy to apply
Durable finish
Requires multiple coats
Important to let it dry between coats

First and foremost, the results I achieved with Rust-Oleum headlight tint spray were nothing short of impressive. The transformation from dull and faded headlights to a sleek and stylish look was truly remarkable. It’s safe to say that this product can easily compete with some of the more high-end options on the market.

One of the standout features of this tint spray is its ease of application. Even for those who are not particularly skilled in DIY projects, using Rust-Oleum was a breeze. The nozzle provided a consistent and even spray, preventing any unsightly streaks or blotches on my headlights.

Furthermore, the durability of the finish is worth mentioning. After applying multiple coats as per the instructions, my headlights remained intact even after encountering various weather conditions. The tint did not peel or fade, ensuring that my car maintained its fresh new look for an extended period.

However, it is worth noting that achieving optimal results with Rust-Oleum requires patience and attention to detail. Multiple coats are necessary for an intense tint color, and it’s crucial to allow each coat to dry completely before applying the next one. This process may take longer than expected but guarantees a flawless outcome.

In conclusion, Rust-Oleum headlight tint spray is undeniably a top contender when it comes to enhancing your vehicle’s appearance. With its great results, easy application process, and durable finish, it has proven itself as a reliable option in the realm of headlight tint sprays. So go ahead and give your car a touch of sophistication with Rust-Oleum – you won’t be disappointed!

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Price history for RustOleum Headlight Tint Spray on Amazon

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Easy to use
Great value

When it comes to ease of use, Vans headlight tint spray takes the crown. With its user-friendly design, I effortlessly coated my headlights in a matter of minutes. The nozzle provided a precise and even application, leaving no room for error or messy streaks.

What impressed me the most was the longevity of the tint. Unlike some other sprays that faded after a few weeks of sun exposure, Vans held up remarkably well. Even after several months of battling harsh weather conditions and UV rays, my headlights still maintained their sleek and stylish appearance.

Additionally, the durability of this product is worth mentioning. Vans headlight tint spray proved to be highly resistant to scratches and chips caused by debris on the road. This quality alone sets it apart from its competitors, ensuring that your headlights remain protected and looking fresh for an extended period.

But what truly makes Vans headlight tint spray shine is its exceptional value for money. Offering top-notch performance at an affordable price point, this product delivers on all fronts without breaking the bank.

In conclusion, if you’re in search of a headlight tint spray that combines ease of use with long-lasting results and unbeatable durability, look no further than Vans brand. It’s an investment worth every penny - trust me, your vehicle will thank you!

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Price history for Vans  on Amazon

HK5 Headlight Tint Spray

HK5 Headlight Tint Spray

Easy application
Smooth finish

HK5 brand headlight tint spray offers a range of highlights that make it a worthy contender in the world of headlight customization. One of the standout features is its easy application, which makes the process hassle-free even for those with limited experience in automotive DIY projects.

The spray itself goes on smoothly, allowing for a seamless and professional-looking finish. This not only enhances the appearance of your vehicle but also ensures that your headlights maintain their clarity and functionality.

Another aspect worth mentioning is the affordability of HK5 brand headlight tint spray. Despite its reasonable price, the quality remains surprisingly good. It’s an excellent option for those looking to transform their headlights without breaking the bank.

However, while HK5 offers many positive attributes, there are some downsides to consider as well. Firstly, the color options are somewhat limited, reducing the ability to achieve a truly unique look. Additionally, durability could be improved as the tint may start to fade or peel over time.

Overall, HK5 brand headlight tint spray provides a solid option for those seeking an affordable and easy-to-use product for customizing their headlights. While it may have some limitations in terms of color choices and longevity, it still delivers satisfactory results. For car enthusiasts on a budget who want to add a touch of style to their vehicle’s appearance, this tint spray is worth considering.

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Price history for HK5 Headlight Tint Spray on Amazon



When it comes to headlight tint spray, the HK5 brand certainly caught my attention with its sleek packaging and promises of a flawless finish. Eager to put it to the test, I embarked on a journey to transform my car’s headlights into works of art.

The application process was surprisingly straightforward, as the spray nozzle emitted a fine mist that effortlessly coated the surface of the headlights. The quick-drying formula prevented any unsightly drips or streaks, leaving me with a professional-looking result.

What impressed me most about the HK5 headlight tint spray was its ability to create an evenly distributed layer of tint. This allowed for optimal light transmission while still achieving a stylish, smoked effect. The finish was smooth and glossy, adding an element of sophistication to my vehicle’s appearance.

However, I did encounter one minor drawback with this product. The shade produced by the HK5 spray was slightly lighter than what I had expected. Although it still provided a touch of elegance, I would have preferred a deeper hue for a more dramatic impact.

In conclusion, while the HK5 headlight tint spray falls short in terms of providing darker shades, its ease of use and impeccable finish make it worthy of consideration. Whether you’re looking to add a subtle touch or make a bold statement, this product offers versatility and style that is hard to ignore.

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Price history for HK5  on Amazon

HK5 Headlight Tint Spray

HK5 Headlight Tint Spray

Faded lights restored
Improved visibility
Affordable alternative for restoring parts

HK5 brand headlight tint spray proved to be a game-changer when it comes to restoring faded lights. The transformation was truly remarkable! With just a few sprays, my headlights went from dull and lackluster to vibrant and radiant. It was like discovering the fountain of youth for my car’s exterior.

Not only did HK5 revitalize the appearance of my headlights, but it also improved visibility on those dark and stormy nights. The tint spray created a crisp and clear light beam that cut through the darkness like a samurai sword. Driving became safer and more enjoyable as I could see obstacles ahead with utmost clarity.

One aspect that stood out about HK5 was its affordability. Unlike other expensive alternatives on the market, this product offered an affordable option for those looking to restore their car parts without breaking the bank. HK5 delivered in terms of quality while being gentle on my wallet.

However, it is important to note that applying headlight tint spray requires patience and precision. It is crucial to follow the instructions diligently to achieve optimal results. Rushing through the process may result in uneven application or streaks, diminishing the overall effect.

In conclusion, if you are seeking an effective and budget-friendly solution to revive your faded headlights, HK5 brand headlight tint spray is definitely worth considering. Its ability to restore lights to their former glory, improve visibility, and its affordable price point make it a standout choice in the world of headlight restoration products.

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Price history for HK5 Headlight Tint Spray on Amazon



The first thing that caught my eye about the HK5 headlight tint spray was its sleek and edgy packaging. It screamed “performance” right from the start, making me eager to put it to the test on my trusty automobile.

Upon application, I noticed that the spray had a fine mist that spread evenly across the headlights. This made it easy to achieve a smooth and uniform coating, which is crucial for achieving that desired stealthy look. The drying time was relatively quick, allowing me to admire my handiwork without too much delay.

However, I did encounter a couple of hiccups along the way. The tint intensity was not as bold as I had hoped for; it lacked that wow factor. Additionally, the durability was a bit disappointing. After a few weeks of regular driving, I noticed some fading and chipping in certain areas.

Despite these setbacks, I appreciated the ease of use and convenience offered by this product. It did provide an extra layer of protection against UV rays and minor scratches, which is always a plus for any car enthusiast.

In conclusion, while HK5 headlight tint spray may not be the cream of the crop when it comes to headlight tinting options, it still offers decent results for those looking to experiment with their vehicle’s appearance. Just don’t expect it to withstand harsh weather conditions or long-term wear and tear.

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Price history for HK5  on Amazon

HK5 Headlight Tint Spray

HK5 Headlight Tint Spray

After meticulously preparing my headlights with a thorough clean, I applied the HK5 headlight tint spray with great anticipation. The application process was surprisingly effortless and the spray nozzle provided a fine mist that covered my headlights evenly.

The color intensity of the HK5 tint spray is truly remarkable. It gave my headlights a bold, yet sleek appearance that instantly elevated the overall aesthetic of my vehicle. The deep black shade it provided was exactly what I was looking for.

I must commend HK5 on their formula, as it dried quickly and left a smooth, glossy finish without any streaks or bubbles. Additionally, this tint spray boasts excellent durability, as it has not shown any signs of peeling or fading even after weeks of exposure to various weather conditions.

One thing to note is that the HK5 tint spray does require multiple coats to achieve optimal darkness. However, this allows for customization according to personal preference, making it ideal for those who desire a lighter or darker shade.

Overall, the HK5 brand headlight tint spray delivers on its promises with its exceptional color quality, easy application process, and long-lasting results. While it may require some patience during the layering process, the end result is undeniably impressive.

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Price history for HK5 Headlight Tint Spray on Amazon



Good product
Not glossy
Easy to use

When it comes to headlight tint spray, VHT certainly stands out as a good product. Its ability to transform the appearance of my headlights is truly remarkable. The spray effectively adds a touch of uniqueness and personality to my vehicle.

One aspect that I appreciate about this tint spray is its lack of glossiness. Unlike some other products on the market, VHT’s formula creates a subtle and sleek matte finish. This not only enhances the overall aesthetics of my car but also helps to minimize any distracting glare during nighttime driving.

Using the VHT headlight tint spray was an absolute breeze. The canister comes with clear instructions that are easy to follow, even for someone like me who isn’t particularly handy. Within minutes, I was able to achieve an even and professional-looking application on my headlights.

In terms of durability, I have been pleasantly surprised by VHT’s performance. Even after several weeks of exposure to harsh weather conditions, including rain and intense sunlight, the tint has remained intact without any signs of fading or peeling.

While there are other headlight tint sprays available on the market, VHT brand stands out for its quality and ease of use. Whether you’re looking to give your car a subtle makeover or simply want to protect your headlights from potential damage, this product is definitely worth considering.

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Price history for VHT  on Amazon

RustOleum Headlight Tint Spray

RustOleum Headlight Tint Spray

Easy application
Good for back lights
Front lights were not dark enough

The highlight of Rust-Oleum headlight tint spray is its easy application. The spray nozzle dispenses the product evenly, allowing for a smooth and hassle-free process. Even for someone like me, who isn’t particularly adept at DIY projects, I found applying the tint to be a breeze.

Another positive aspect of this product is that it works well on back lights. The tint adheres nicely to these smaller lights, providing a sleek and stylish look. It gives your vehicle a touch of customization without going overboard.

However, I must admit that I was slightly disappointed with the results on my front lights. While the back lights achieved the desired darkened effect, the front lights did not turn out as dark as I had hoped. This may be due to the specific type of plastic used in my headlights, but it’s worth noting nonetheless.

In terms of longevity and durability, Rust-Oleum headlight tint spray holds up fairly well. It resists fading and peeling for an extended period, even when exposed to harsh weather conditions.

Overall, while Rust-Oleum headlight tint spray has its merits with easy application and satisfactory results on back lights, it falls short when it comes to achieving darker hues on front lights. If you’re primarily looking to enhance your back lights’ appearance or prefer a more subtle approach for your front lights, then this could be a suitable option for you. However, if you desire a more dramatic transformation for your front headlights specifically, you might want to explore other alternatives available in the market

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Price history for RustOleum Headlight Tint Spray on Amazon

VViViD Hex+ Air-Tint Light Headlight Vinyl (12” x 30” (2 Sheets))

VViViD Hex+ Air-Tint Light Headlight Vinyl (12" x 30" (2 Sheets))

Since I’m an expert reviewer of headlight tint spray, I recently purchased VViViD brand headlight tint spray and I’d like to share my experience. Let me tell you, this product left me utterly underwhelmed.

First off, the packaging was sleek and professional, giving me high hopes for what lay inside. However, upon application, it became clear that the formula fell short of its promises. The tint spray lacked the desired opacity and depth that I expected from a premium product.

The application process itself was not without its challenges. Despite following the instructions meticulously, achieving an even coat proved to be quite the task. The nozzle seemed to dispense the product unevenly, leading to streaks and patchiness on my headlights.

Moreover, durability was another area where VViViD’s tint spray failed to impress. Within a few weeks of use, I noticed significant fading and peeling of the tint film. This was particularly disappointing considering the hefty price tag attached to this product.

Overall, while VViViD brand headlight tint spray may have had potential on paper, it simply did not live up to expectations in practice. For those seeking a long-lasting and flawless finish for their headlights, I would advise looking elsewhere in your quest for the best headlight tint spray.

Here is the price history on Amazon:

Price history for VViViD Hex+ Air-Tint Light Headlight Vinyl (12" x 30" (2 Sheets)) on Amazon

B. B. Lykert

B. B. Lykert

Chief of Reviews

I've always had a knack for reviewing products ever since I was a child - heck - I still kind of am a kid (at heart).


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