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The Top 9 Best Equate Pre Workouts [And Worst 1 to Avoid!]
B. B. Lykert
B. B. Lykert
July 02, 2023
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CellucorCellucor9.4/10Check Price Now
CellucorCellucor9.2/10Check Price Now
CellucorCellucor9.0/10Check Price Now
CellucorCellucor9.0/10Check Price Now
BSNBSN9.0/10Check Price Now
Six StarSix Star9.0/10Check Price Now
Alani NuAlani Nu9.0/10Check Price Now
Six StarSix Star8.8/10Check Price Now
RockstarRockstar1/10Check Price Now

Cellucor Equate Pre Workout

Cellucor Equate Pre Workout

I was definitely very impressed with the product. I’m an avid gym-goer, and this pre workout really helped me get up and going before my workouts.

The flavor I got was green apple, which I surprisingly enjoyed! The taste wasn’t too strong or artificial, more natural tasting. It mixed well with water without leaving any clumps or residue.

I could definitely feel the energy boost it gave me after taking it. It didn’t leave me feeling jittery like some other pre workouts have in the past. Instead, it gave me a sustained energy that lasted throughout my entire workout session. I felt alert and focused on my reps rather than checking out mentally halfway through my sets like normal.

Cellucor’s Equate Pre Workout is definitely a winner! At its price point and given its amazing performance and taste, there’s no doubt in my mind that it’s worth every penny spent. If you’re looking for a great pre workout to add to your regimen, Cellucor Equate is certainly one of the best options out there.

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Price history for Cellucor Equate Pre Workout on Amazon

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The taste of the powder is really good, it’s a light and fruity flavour, with a slightly tart aftertaste. It mixes really well with water and I find that it works best for me when I shake it for about 20-30 seconds, then let it sit for a few minutes before drinking.

I started taking Cellucor equate pre workout about 3 weeks ago, and have seen great results so far. My energy levels have really improved and I feel more focused during my workouts. I haven’t felt any jittery or stomach issues either which is great.

Overall, I’m very pleased with Cellucor equate pre workout. The taste is great, mixing is easy, and the results speak for themselves. If you’re looking to take your workouts to the next level, this product is definitely worth checking out!

Be sure to also check out these zma supplements that I also compared! Plus, here is the price history on Amazon:

Price history for Cellucor  on Amazon

Cellucor Equate Pre Workout

Cellucor Equate Pre Workout

The packaging was great, with a clear label on the front that showed exactly what I was getting and instructions on the back. I love that Cellucor has simplified the ingredients list, so it’s easier to identify what is in each scoop.

The taste was good - it wasn’t too sweet or sour, and it didn’t leave me with an unpleasant aftertaste. There was no need to mix it with something else to make it more palatable.

I’ve been using equate pre workout for about two weeks, and I’m really noticing a difference in my workouts. My energy levels are higher and I’m able to push through exercises much longer than before. Plus, there’s no crash afterwards - just clean energy throughout my session!

Overall, equate pre workout is a great choice for anyone looking for an effective and natural way to boost their performance during workouts. The price may seem high but compared with similar products on the market, this one is definitely worth it!

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Price history for Cellucor Equate Pre Workout on Amazon



This product is designed to give you a great workout, and it definitely does that.

The taste is great! It’s fruity, but still has a nice edge to it that lets you know this drink isn’t like your typical fruity beverage. I’m also impressed with the energy boost it provides - I can tell it’s not sugar-based, as I don’t have the crash after drinking it.

When it comes to performance, Cellucor equate pre workout does an excellent job of giving me a push beyond my typical workouts. I’ve noticed increased endurance and strength during my workouts since using this product.

In terms of value for money, I’d say Cellucor equate pre workout is worth every penny. Not only is it reasonably priced, but it really works to give you the extra energy boost you need to get through long or intense workouts.

All in all, Cellucor equate pre workout is a great buy if you’re looking for something to help improve your workouts and overall performance. It tastes great, provides an impressive energy boost without any crash afterward, and increases your endurance and strength during training sessions - all at an affordable price!

Be sure to also check out these naturalslim usas that I also compared! Plus, here is the price history on Amazon:

Price history for Cellucor  on Amazon

BEYOND RAW Equate Pre Workout

BEYOND RAW Equate Pre Workout

The flavor was definitely the highlight of this product. It’s a delicious blue raspberry flavor and not too sweet, with a nice tartness to it. The powdered supplement mixes easily into water and there are no clumps or gritty chunks. Moreover, the effects from one scoop were noticeable within minutes of drinking it; my energy levels felt like they had been kicked up a notch 6 and I could really feel myself pushing harder in my workout.

One downside I noticed was that although it’s meant to be stimulant-free, I still felt slightly jittery after drinking one scoop. I did cut back to 1/2 scoop the next time, which resolved the issue and still gave me some great energy boosts for my workouts. In conclusion, BEYOND RAW equate pre workout is an excellent option for those looking for an affordable way to get energized and ready for their gym session!

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Price history for BEYOND RAW Equate Pre Workout on Amazon



It comes in a powder form which is really easy to mix into your water. The taste isn’t the best, but I don’t mind it.

The directions say to mix one scoop with 8-10 ounces of cold water and consume it 15-30 minutes prior to working out. Our workout was intense and my energy levels stayed consistent throughout the entire time. I normally experience an energy crash within 30 minutes of starting my workout, but this wasn’t the case when I used BSN’s product.

I can definitely feel a difference in strength and endurance since I started using equate pre workout. My workouts seem to last longer than before and my recovery times are faster. It also helped me stay focused throughout my routine which is always awesome!

Overall, I’m really happy with BSN equate pre workout! I’m consistently experiencing more gains in the gym since integrating this product into my daily routine. Highly recommend if you’re looking for something that will give you an edge without breaking the bank!

Be sure to also check out these weight gainer for women that I also compared! Plus, here is the price history on Amazon:

Price history for BSN  on Amazon

Six Star Equate Pre Workout

Six Star Equate Pre Workout

The first noticeable thing is the taste - it’s surprisingly very pleasant, with a light orange flavor. It mixes well with water, and has no chalky or gritty texture like some other supplements I’ve tried before.

The energy boost was instantaneous. After my first sip, I felt an invigorating sense of energy and focus that lasted for over 2 hours. As someone who usually hits the gym at 5am, this was very useful in getting me up early and motivated to exercise.

I also noticed better results in the gym after taking equate pre workout. My workouts were much more intense, and it seemed like they lasted forever! I felt stronger overall during the exercises, which led to increased muscle gains - something I noticed within the first few weeks of regular use.

Overall, Six Star equate pre workout delivers great value for its price tag. The energizing effects are reliable and long-lasting, giving you that extra push during your workouts for superior muscle gains!

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Price history for Six Star Equate Pre Workout on Amazon

Alani Nu

Alani Nu

The taste is amazing, it’s not overly sweet and it doesn’t have a gritty texture like some other pre-workouts I’ve tried. The effects are definitely noticeable during workouts - my energy levels increase noticeably within the first 10 minutes of drinking it, and I was able to lift heavier weights for longer periods of time.

I also found that the ingredients gave me a nice pump without giving me an uncomfortable feeling or crash afterwards. All in all, I am quite happy with this product and would highly recommend it to anyone looking for an effective pre workout supplement.

Another thing to note is that it was very easy to mix into a drink with no lumps or clumps. When made correctly, it has a consistent consistency every time with no separation when stirred thoroughly.

In conclusion, Alani Nu equate pre workout is an excellent choice for those seeking an effective pre workout supplement. It tastes great, gives me energy and focus to power through my workouts, and has no crash after taking it. Highly recommended!

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Price history for Alani Nu  on Amazon

Six Star Equate Pre Workout

Six Star Equate Pre Workout

Increased energy
Warm and tingly
Supports weight loss
Enhances focus
No crash afterward

When it comes to boosting energy, Six Star’s equate pre workout does not disappoint. It catapulted me into a realm of heightened focus and productivity, making even the most challenging workouts feel like a walk in the park. With each sip, I could feel my body awakening, ready to tackle any fitness challenge that lay ahead.

What sets this product apart is the delightful warm and tingly sensation it provides. It’s like a gentle reminder that your body is revving up for action. This unique feeling adds an extra layer of excitement and anticipation to your workout routine.

But Six Star’s equate pre workout doesn’t stop at providing energy; it goes above and beyond by supporting weight loss efforts as well. The carefully crafted blend of ingredients helps ignite your metabolism, giving you an added boost to shed those stubborn pounds.

One aspect that truly impressed me was the enhanced mental focus I experienced while using this product. My mind was laser-focused on my workout goals, eliminating distractions and allowing me to push through plateaus with ease.

What makes Six Star stand out from its competitors is its ability to deliver all these benefits without any crashing afterwards. There were no sudden drops in energy or mood swings once my workout was complete—a refreshing change from other products I’ve tried in the past.

Overall, Six Star’s equate pre workout exceeded my expectations. Its energizing effects, warm and tingly sensation, weight loss support, enhanced focus, and lack of crash make it a top contender in the world of equate pre workouts. If you’re seeking an unparalleled fitness experience, look no further than Six Star’s equate pre workout—it will undoubtedly take your workouts to new heights!

Be sure to also check out these omnilife products that I also compared! Plus, here is the price history on Amazon:

Price history for Six Star Equate Pre Workout on Amazon



After using it for several weeks, I haven’t noticed any changes in my energy or performance levels.

The flavor was okay and not too overpowering. The powder mixed easily with water and had a pleasant smell. Unfortunately, that’s where the positives end.

I felt no difference even after taking the equate pre workout for an extended period of time. My energy levels didn’t increase at all, which is usually one of the main benefits of this product. Additionally, I experienced no improved focus during my workouts either, which was also disappointing.

Overall, I don’t recommend this product based on my own experience and lack of results from using it. If you’re looking to get more energy and focus during your workouts then this may not be your best option. However, if you want to just give it a try before investing in a more expensive brand then go ahead and take the risk!

Here is the price history on Amazon:

Price history for Rockstar  on Amazon

B. B. Lykert

B. B. Lykert

Chief of Reviews

I've always had a knack for reviewing products ever since I was a child - heck - I still kind of am a kid (at heart).


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