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The Best 9 Cool Toy Guns of 2023 [And 1 to Avoid!]
B. B. Lykert
B. B. Lykert
July 02, 2023
PreviewBrandMy RatingPrice
YOOYIDYOOYID8.2/10Check Price Now
NERFNERF9.2/10Check Price Now
MEIXINGMEIXING8.0/10Check Price Now
HendoctHendoct8.2/10Check Price Now
QTGPETQTGPET7.8/10Check Price Now
IZOKEEIZOKEE8.0/10Check Price Now
LieweiliLieweili8.6/10Check Price Now
VJPLWOIVJPLWOI6.8/10Check Price Now
niupiniupi8.2/10Check Price Now
QTGPETQTGPET1/10Check Price Now

YOOYID Cool Toy Guns

YOOYID Cool Toy Guns

They’re really fun and look great. Each gun comes with a few different shooting modes from single shot to rapid fire. It’s amazing how realistic the sound effects are, almost like you’re in an action movie! It also has lights that flash when you pull the trigger which looks super cool.

The construction on these guns is great too. For such inexpensive items, the plastic material feels sturdy and well-made. I was a bit worried it would break easily, but it still looks new after several weeks of regular play.

The instructions were clear and easy to understand so I had no problems getting started. My daughter loves playing with them as much as I do! We often have little competitions to see who can shoot faster or do more tricks with them - she always wins, but it’s still a lot of fun!

Overall, I think YOOYID cool toy guns are a great way to add some excitement and entertainment into your daily life. They’re very affordable too so I’d definitely recommend them if you’re looking for something fun for your family or friends.

Be sure to also check out these splatter ball guns that I also compared! Plus, here is the price history on Amazon:

Price history for YOOYID Cool Toy Guns on Amazon

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These guns are great for kids who are 8 and up, but even adults can have a lot of fun with them. The styling is incredibly cool and the design makes it easy to operate.

I found that the guns have plenty of power and accuracy, making them perfect for target practice as well as full-on battles. They’re also very safe to use, as they don’t shoot hard plastic bullets like some other toy guns do. Each gun comes with two sets of darts so you don’t have to worry about running out.

The instructions were very clear and easy to follow, which I really appreciate in a toy gun. And the level of detail in these guns is impressive - from tiny screws on the barrel to realistic trigger-guards and sights - it feels like you’re using an actual gun.

In summary, I’d highly recommend NERF’s cool toy guns for anyone looking for a good quality product that provides hours of fun!

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Price history for NERF  on Amazon

MEIXING Cool Toy Guns

MEIXING Cool Toy Guns

The product arrived quickly and was well-packaged. The guns themselves look great - they’re made from a sturdy plastic and each has a unique design.

The guns are easy to use, even for younger kids - the elementary school students I know love playing with them. The triggers are responsive and accurate, the toy bullets fly far, and there’s no jamming or misfires.

I would’ve liked to have seen some extra features like LED lights or sound effects so players can get a more realistic feel. However, the reliable triggers and impressive accuracy make these guns come alive in your hands!

Overall, MEIXING cool toy guns are great value for money as they provide hours of entertainment in an affordable package. Definitely recommended!

Be sure to also check out these splatter ball gun with drums that I also compared! Plus, here is the price history on Amazon:

Price history for MEIXING Cool Toy Guns on Amazon



I was immediately impressed with the design of the guns. They’re made of high-grade plastic and have a sleek, ergonomic feel. The weight of each gun is perfect, making them easy to handle. Plus, they come in four different colors and designs to choose from.

In terms of performance and durability, I’m delighted with my purchase. The guns are incredibly accurate with no jamming or misfires so far. I’ve also tested their range by firing the gun over 20 meters without any problems. In addition, the guns look great even after a few weeks of playing around with them!

The only thing that brought down the score for me was the price tag attached to these guns - $24.99 is slightly pricey compared to other toy guns on the market. But when you consider their quality and performance, it’s well worth it.

Overall, I’m very happy with my purchase of Hendoct cool toy guns!

Be sure to also check out these custom splatter ball guns that I also compared! Plus, here is the price history on Amazon:

Price history for Hendoct  on Amazon

QTGPET Cool Toy Guns

QTGPET Cool Toy Guns

The guns are well made, with a solid feel to them that makes it seem like they will last for quite a while. The guns have various sound effects and flashing lights, which adds an extra bit of excitement when using them. I especially like the fact that some of the guns come with extra clips and ammo - this means we can play longer without having to stop to reload.

The only downside I’ve encountered so far is that the batteries do tend to go through power quickly and need replacing often. Aside from that, however, I’ve been really pleased with my purchase. The QTGPET cool toy guns provide great entertainment for kids and adults alike - definitely worth the price tag!

Be sure to also check out these splatterball guns that I also compared! Plus, here is the price history on Amazon:

Price history for QTGPET Cool Toy Guns on Amazon



They look great, with a realistic design and bright colors. The guns are made of plastic and have working triggers and hammers.

The main plus is that they are quite durable. I’ve had no problems playing with them over the last couple of weeks, and so far there is no visible wear and tear. They also fire harmless pellets, so there’s no worry that anyone will get hurt while playing around.

I love the fact that these cool toy guns come with a variety of accessories like ammo clips, scopes etc., which makes it even more fun to play with them. Also, all the pieces are compatible with each other making it super easy to switch between different parts as needed.

The only con I’ve found is that two people cannot really play together as the range of the pellets isn’t large enough to reach another person standing behind you at a good distance!

All in all, this purchase was well worth it and I recommend these cool toy guns from IZOKEE as a great choice for anyone looking for something fun and safe!

Be sure to also check out these hookas that I also compared! Plus, here is the price history on Amazon:

Price history for IZOKEE  on Amazon

Lieweili Cool Toy Guns

Lieweili Cool Toy Guns

These guns are great for playing with kids outdoors, making them a fun way to get active and enjoy the fresh air. They look really realistic too, with their semi-automatic frames and plastic bullets. My son was over the moon when I brought them home!

The guns come with 25 plastic bullets that shoot at a distance of about 10 feet. They aren’t made to shoot very far, so it’s important to use caution when playing with kids. The controls are easy to use as well, making it perfect for little ones who don’t have good fine motor skills yet.

The best thing about these guns is their durability. The frame is made of heavy-duty plastic that’s shock proof and water resistant, so it can withstand outdoor play in any kind of weather! And they’re incredibly light, weighing only 3 pounds each.

All in all, these Lieweili cool toy guns are an excellent purchase if you’re looking for something entertaining and safe for your kids. I’m sure we’ll get lots of enjoyment out of them this summer!

Be sure to also check out these just art potteries that I also compared! Plus, here is the price history on Amazon:

Price history for Lieweili Cool Toy Guns on Amazon



The guns are well-made from plastic, and look very realistic. My kids absolutely love them! They’re relatively safe to use, although I always recommend supervising children when playing with any toy that involves shooting.

What I like best about these guns is how lightweight they are. They’re easy for my kids to carry around without getting tired. The fun sounds and flashing lights add another element of realism and make play time more enjoyable. The only downside is that the batteries don’t last very long, although it’s easy enough to get new ones when needed.

Overall, the VJPLWOI cool toy guns offer a great value. The quality is good, they look realistic, they’re lightweight and there are plenty of sound effects that make playing even more entertaining. So if you’re looking for some sturdy and entertaining toy guns for your children at an affordable price, then VJPLWOI cool toy guns should definitely be your go-to choice!

Be sure to also check out these 24 hour crafts that I also compared! Plus, here is the price history on Amazon:

Price history for VJPLWOI  on Amazon

niupi Cool Toy Guns

niupi Cool Toy Guns

Cleanup is good
Great quality

First and foremost, the cleanup is a breeze with the niupi brand cool toy guns. As any responsible parent or guardian knows, a messy aftermath can quickly turn playtime into a chore. However, with these guns, you won’t have to worry about spending hours picking up scattered foam darts or searching for misplaced pieces. The design of the niupi brand ensures that the foam darts are easily collected and stored away in their designated compartments, allowing for a quick and efficient cleanup.

Moreover, the quality of these cool toy guns is truly remarkable. The materials used are durable and long-lasting, ensuring that they can withstand even the most enthusiastic play sessions. The attention to detail in the design is evident - from the sleek and ergonomic grip to the smooth firing mechanism, every aspect has been carefully crafted to provide an enjoyable experience.

When it comes to performance, niupi brand cool toy guns deliver excellent results. The accuracy and range of these guns are impressive, allowing for exciting battles and intense target practice. Whether you’re engaging in solo play or competing with friends, you can rely on these toys to provide an immersive and thrilling experience.

In conclusion, I highly recommend niupi brand cool toy guns for anyone seeking an exceptional playtime experience. With their easy cleanup process and top-notch quality, they truly stand out among other options on the market. So why settle for subpar alternatives when you can invest in a product that combines fun with practicality? Make your next adventure truly epic with niupi brand cool toy guns!

Be sure to also check out these grommet kits that I also compared! Plus, here is the price history on Amazon:

Price history for niupi Cool Toy Guns on Amazon



The guns arrived in a single plastic package, which made it difficult to open and take out the guns. The instructions were also unclear and incomplete so I had difficulty figuring out how the guns worked.

As for the actual toys, they looked more like cheap pieces of plastic than genuine toy guns. The sound the guns made when shooting was irritatingly loud and just didn’t seem realistic. Furthermore, each gun either shot too few or too many bullets per shot since their mechanisms seemed imbalanced, meaning they didn’t give me much control or accuracy while playing with them.

Ultimately, I believe that my money could’ve been better spent elsewhere since these QTGPET cool toys were a huge letdown. I’ll be returning them in hopes of finding something better very soon.

Here is the price history on Amazon:

Price history for QTGPET  on Amazon

B. B. Lykert

B. B. Lykert

Chief of Reviews

I've always had a knack for reviewing products ever since I was a child - heck - I still kind of am a kid (at heart).


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